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Payment Policies

You can pay online for all of our classes, workshops and coaching sessions. 


WORKSHOPS: For our one-day workshops you must pay the full amount in advance. 


PAYMENT FOR MULTI-WEEK CLASSES: You must pay either the full amount or a deposit for the class to register. 


If you pay the deposit to register, you must pay the remaining balance by at least 48 hours before the first class. 


The deposit is non-refundable, however, you can apply the deposit to a future class provided that you let us know you will not be attending the class at least 48 hours before the first class. 


If you pay for the class in full and find you cannot take the class at least 48 hours before the first class, you will receive a refund minus the $40 deposit. You will be able to apply the $40 deposit to a future class. 


If you have paid in full, and withdraw from a class after the 48 hour window, you cannot receive a refund, but you can apply your payment to future class. (See Q&A Below)


NOTE: We do not prorate classes. If you take even one class of a multi-week course, and then find you cannot continue you will not receive a full or partial refund.  


For more info you can read our Withdrawal and Cancellation FAQ below. 


ONLINE PAYMENT:  Simply follow the directions under each class/workshop listing. (Please, when using the online payment, be sure to use an email you check regularly.  We will be sending you confirmation and information about the class and we need to have your correct email.



PRORATING: We do not prorate classes. If you want to take a 5 or 6 week class, but you know you will not be able to make a week, you still pay for the entire class.  There are no makeup classes. 




Because this is true, we have a number of policies about withdrawing from classes and workshops.  The reason for these policies? If someone can't take a class (we know, things come up), we want to be able to offer a space to someone else who is on the waiting list.





If I register for a multi-week course, but suddenly find out before the class starts that I won't be able to take the class, what should I do?


  • You should let us know as soon as possible. If possible, you should let us know at least 48 hours before the first class. 


If I find I cannot take the class, can I get my payment refunded? 


  • The payment for classes (excluding the deposit) is only refundable up until 48 hours before he first class. ​


  • If you let us know after 48 hours before the first online class, you will NOT be eligible for a refund, but can apply your full payment to a future class.


If I pay for a course, but AFTER the first class, I find I can't continue, what then?


  • If you attend one class of a multi-week course and find that you are unable to continue the course due to a circumstance beyond your control, we will apply your tuition to a future class. No refunds are available in this circumstance.  However, this option is only available once.  If you apply your tuition to a future class, and then, during that second class, you find you cannot continue sometime after the first class again, you must pay tuition again to register for another class.  The reason for this policy is because we usually have full classes and waitlists and you will have now taken two slots in two different classes that could have been offered to another student. 


If I pay for a one day workshop, but find I can not attend?


  • If you let us know in advance of the workshop, you can apply your payment to a future workshop.


  • If you are a no-show on the day of the workshop, you will NOT be able to apply your payment to a future workshop and you will not receive a refund. 


What if a class or workshop is cancelled?


  • The only time we cancel in-person classes or workshops is for very extreme weather conditions. We usually build in an extra day for all classes in case for some reason we need to cancel a class. A cancelled class will be made up on that built-in day. This extra day is explained in the confirmation email and if you cannot make that day the class will not be prorated 


  • If an in person one-day workshop is cancelled, you will receive a full refund. 


  • ONLINE CLASSES: If, for some unforeseen technical reason, the instructors cannot hold a class or workshop (Internet outage, etc.) the class or workshop will be rescheduled, if you cannot make the rescheduled date, you will receive a full refund for the workshop, or a prorated refund for the class that was missed.  


If you have any questions, please email us at:


info @

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